I've been doing quite a bit of sketching lately to keep track of all of the ideas I have for printing/dyeing projects now that I'm finally getting my butt around to just trying projects even if I have no clue what I'm doing! My style is definitely simple but with bold colors. It might be obvious from the things I've posted here (for all of my three readers!).
I, like so many other people, have a thing for any flower/tree/branch/leaves that are printed on towels, paper, you name it! So today I've been working on some cool flower sketches. One of my friends ( Hi G!) is really great about always having flowers around her house. It's a habit that I would like to pick up since it's such a happy surprise when you walk into a room! One of the flowers she usually has is the spider mum. You can usually find them in a great chartreuse-ey (yes, I made up that word) color but they also come in a variety of other colors. They look cool...but they are a b&@tch to sketch! So I'm taking a break to post pretty pictures of them just for you.
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