Monday, December 21, 2009

MK & A Forever

I'm not one of those people that is totally in love with MK & A Olsen. I have admired them (admired, not been obsessed!), both for their daring style and for their business sense, from afar. But my admiration may be growing. recently posted on their blog What Would the '00s Have Been Without the Olsens? Long title, sure. But after reading it I have newfound respect for The Girls and may be a little bit more in love with them. And I wondered...what would the '00s have been without them? They are like a 2-for-1 special in fashion.

It is really interesting to see the evolution their style has taken in the past 10 years. The first pic in the slideshow = WHOA. But who wasn't wearing that look at that time and at that age (14, I think).

It's also apparent that they are always ahead of trends...yet somehow never seem trendy. What they were wearing back in '04 is just as likely to show up on them in '10 in a new and edgy way.

From the highlights, these are my favorites. Though they rock the Dumpster Chic look oh-so-effortlessly and I love pics of them when they are on their Starbucks run, I absolutely love these looks.


 (All photos from

There are so many more (I just spent over an hour looking at pics of them. Sad. Did I mention I'm not really that obsessed??) and I can't wait to see what they do this decade.


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